Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe
The ZKM| Centor for Art and Media Karlsruhe was founded in 1989 and is the worldwide only establishment that consolidates exhibition spaces (museums), mediascientific research (Institute for Media, Education, and Economics; Institute for Film), production areas (Institute for Music and Acoustics, Institute for Visual Media) and performance locations all under one and the same roof.
Under the direction of Bernd Lintermann the Institute for Visual Media is to a great extent engaged in the interdisciplinary collaboration with artists and international co-operation with culture and reseach facilities for the purpose of research and development in the area of multimedia-based artworks and information technologies as well as for the purpose of the artistic content-wise connection of art and digital technology.
The Institute for Music and Acoustics under direction of Ludger Brümmer combines artistc work with research and development. It thereby sees itself as a forum for international exhange and is active in various areas. It arranges and initiates contemporary concerts, symposia, and festival, that serve as a platform for the musically active and interested. Digital sound synthesis, algorithmic compositions, live-electronic, radio play, interactive sound installations, and audiovisual productions show a broad lineup of how digital technology has animated our musical phantasy.